*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio

*Life and Social Sciences*
*Science & Religious Discussion*
*Scientific Principles Applied to Controversial Subjects*
*Avenues to Academic Excellence*

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Anthropological Reality!

Greetings to you! It is good to be with you again. This is a short article about historic human penalties, and dogmatic natural punishments due to willful 'bodily contained transgressions!'

Our subject this morning is a rather 'difficult' one that entails 'Man's Spiritual Formation!' This happened perhaps even long before one was born into this life and time! When we adjust our days and nights for time, we don't realize what that adjustment actually means. We have many professional scientists and scholars today that view almost 'everything' with new or contemporary time understandings. But the Prophet 'Jeremiah' in his book titled 'Jeremiah' 1-4-5 in The Holy Bible' it says: "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, 'before' you were born! I set you apart! I appointed you as a prophet to the nations! (All this, any number of years) before you even had a body! But 'God' knew your 'spirit,' all the while! And so, I say to you … "Where were you, … before you were born?" And, is your 'mind', a collective part of your overall brain function? (Right between the ears?)

These may be two of the ultimate questions for 'thinkers' in the life sciences of the universe! (And this science class!) We have studied 'Chemistry, Physics, and many life Sciences.' But scientifically, we have forgotten to mention 'God!' We have left this unimaginable power as the essence of the king of constant possibilities! But why is that? We tend to forget about 'God' because 'He' has never had a 'birth-date!' He belongs in another area, where these things tend to make 'the unthinkable' happen! One day, a while back, we were 'remotely' called out of our 'spirit world' and took our place in a birth in this present world! We were given a 'birth-date' and became a member of this 'what we call,' human society. We hear of reincarnation, remotely in some sciences. But millions (some educated and famous) believe stoutly in it.

Scientifically, it produces vague but real feelings of the 'was I here before?' syndrome, that in some cases just won't go away. I'm sure you'll agree, that when one dies, no one takes the body home from the cemetery. Why? Because the person in the casket only 'looks' like the person that died but is no longer that person. The deceased person is no longer 'real,' and is no longer here! If 'God' said in his 'Bible, Torah, Quran, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita, or other' that he 'foreknew' us before we were born, that means that must have been a 'spirit,' that yet had no physical body! Now for all you religious scholars out there: 'Where were you before you were born?' And, 'who was that 'entity?' No 'Man' alive, can answer this question!

That continues to be the 'worlds most unanswered question?' I believe we were 'called' out of a spiritual world, into our present body! This body is 'transversely' (according to birth) any color selected by 'someone?' to any people living on this planet. And so, we share the 'current' racial opportunities in life and see how we treat each other, when suddenly the 'shoe' may be on the other foot! And 'we' are then discriminated against because of our 'innocent' and non-picked race! Your 'birthday' is your body's birth date, not your spirit's birthdate! Your current body may be currently falling apart, but you can see that 'you' are not! This is because you are actually a 'spiritual being!' Your spirit doesn't measure, or count, as an existent 'worldly' body!

"There is no 'Elixir' for Human desire!"

You are a spiritual being that was called to your current body, by 'God!' A body that you will eventually evacuate! Your spirit has no birth date, nor a death date. The spirit is born, but in the 'image of 'God!' And does not enter into a 'physical time schedule!' And you (as a person) have been 'designed' by 'God' to 'forget' all previous life experiences in the past and start 'anew' in this species! And therefore, the 'unfulfilled, unnatural' search may be on in our present reality: The search (an elixir) for more 'love, lust, money, sex, alcohol, drugs, sin, fame, recognition, promiscuity, fortune, individuality, homosexuality, and increased 'this and that,' for the desires continue on for forever! But in this life, there is 'no' answer! Or relenting satisfaction! Even at that misfortune, are you still as 'racist' as you were? (In your past lives?) There will be a devout, but fully 'earned' price to pay for this 'continued' level of gross bodily, disrespect of human defensive skin complexions! But you still don't understand!

As we travel in time, there are some specific 'guidelines' stipulated for each 'Man/Woman's' footsteps. At times we get away with many transgressions, but at other times we have to 'pay the piper!' You were 'called' into this world, joined with your present body. What did you learn from it? What has been your experience with this body? Please know, there is a 'Master' of us all, taking notes on how you handled your experience in this life! In this case, I wouldn't want to be you now!... If you can, but 'vaguely' just remember, that you are ultimately a 'spirit!' No evil, disgruntled, racist spirits can be admitted into *His* Heaven! (As we have come to understand it)

Many of us have 'preconceived' notions about the hereafter according to the local books made available to us from authorities. But, in this area there is much interrelated information to know. Many ate at a 'huge' disadvantage when applying their religious rules! For example: The biblical angel 'Gabriel' gave the bible prophets detailed information on 'Jesus, and John the Baptist!' But he also gave the 'Holy Quran' (in its entirety) later, to 'Muhammed,' (pbuh) though it took him 22 years to complete this activity! (Interrelated- process?) Our children, (all races) should be loved and respected the day they were born by all worldly populations. 'Give them all a chance!' These feelings are 'subtleties' of the bodies emotional conglomeration. And 'not' of the spirit, which 'transcends' this dimension of emotional, hormonal frequency.

The 'holiest' of worldly religious books when reported by legitimate 'religious scholars' are 'intertwined!' And should be understood, and correlated, before making historic 'stringent' personal judgements in scripture! You can 'win' this battle of the 'Spirit vs the Bodies Tragic Tendencies!'… 'If you will only,… 'just be kind!'

Do you want to know where the 'evil, disgruntled, racist' spirits ultimately reside?…! Stay well.

"In keeping with 'God's' religious viewpoints of human determination, we also read:"

*Bhagavad-Gita* Chapter II. Teachings of the Soul (And Spirit) - (Published before)

"It is not a thing of which a man may say 'it hath been, it is about to be, or it's to be hereafter.' For it is without birth, and meeteth not death! It is ancient, constant, and eternal! It is not slain, even when the mortal frame is destroyed" – Krishna

All the Best,
Henri W. Tartt,
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (Retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Website:*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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